Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Just so ya'll know, Kira's blog is gone and we are losing hope of getting it back, so she made a new one that we thought would be temporary but may be permanent. The site is Have fun viewing and Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008


First off, I have to start by letting everyone know that Kira's blog is down, but not out! We WILL recover it, somehow! If anyone has tips, let us know, but we think we have it down. It accidentally got deleted, and now we are working to recover all the hard work that she put into it, so she doesn't have to start over. That would be so sad, but I am sure her blogs only get better and better, so we will be sure that she isn't done!

That being said, I have to let everyone know that so far, Kira is throwing me the coolest birthday ever! Its like an all day party, with just us for now. But we have more to do and people coming over later, so it only gets better from here! I am way excited! I love Kira and I will post more details after the birthday is over.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So, yesterday I was having kind fo one of those blah days. Not a good feeling. I hate being blah. The cool thing about it? Kira knows! She is a genius. I mean, I have studied and studied and I know the best ways to get people out of blah days, I have heard everything that is statistically the best for the general population and all that. Well, its one thing to know, and I was thinking about it even, but it is a whole 'nother thing to actually put it all into effect. I guess all I needed was a little support in that vector.
That is why Kira is the coolest! I love her. As soon as i opened up about my blahness, she started plotting. Kira knew what I needed and she took care of it. She knew the exact therapy for me. I was sitting there, being blah and she came into the room and just said "What shorts do you work out in?" So, I told her, and she got my outfit together and sent me to the treadmill. I rocked it. It was awesome! She is so cool. Then, to cool down, I took a bath and steched. Now I am sore, and that is totally a good thing! Just what I needed! Thanks Kira! I love you!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


(Kira, you look so good in this picture!)
I was thinking today about all the things that I used to ask for in my prayers. The one thing that was always the most important to me was my family. I wanted to have an amazing wife. Beautiful, of course, and someone that loved me and supported me through everything that happens. And I always asked to make sure that I could be a good Dad, to raise my kids right, the way my parents did.

Well, the whole Dad thing will have to work its way out, but I wanted to talk about the first thing on my list.

I have been talking a lot lately with Kira about what we are going to be doing after I graduate in August and we are working to make a good decision. We know that everything will work out, but I am so appreciative to Kira for her great advice and especially her support, even when I seem so indecicive about some things. She really is great, to go into everything with me, never knowing what will happen with us. And she does so much to help me to get where I want to be. She gives up a lot for this little family, and I love her. And as for the beautiful part, just look at the picture. The Lord could not have blessed me with two more beautiful girls! They are both GORGEOUS! Thanks be to the Lord for my blessings! Life is great!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Have you ever read a book, and the thing that you wanted to happen at the end did not happen. Thats how this book was for me. However, I have decided that that is ok. Finally, Bella did not bug me throughout the entire book. Just part. Breaking Dawn was, by far, the best book of this series. Does that mean that something finally happened? Well, no. But the build up to nothing was much more enjoyable. In fact, had the other books of the series been written as well as this one, the lack of action might not have bothered me so badly throughout the series. Though I was slightly disappointed that the promised action was again skirted, I actually think that I like the way the book ended. I can't say that it was unexpected, because this is just exactly the kind of trick that Stephenie Meyer would pull, spending the entire book making me think that it will be a good "Guy" ending, and then tearing out the rug (AKA- nothing happens... again.) But I am very happy with the way things turned out for Bella. In fact, I think that in the end, I was cheering for her. Finally, Bella is no longer being a baby! Yay! If only there was a book five so that I could enjoy her maturity longer. I think I would like that.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Review - Eclipse

So, after the second book of the series was slightly better than the first, my wife assured m that the third was better than them all... so does that mean that I won't continue to the fourth? We will see... But to the matter at hand. Was my wife's description accurate? I must say that I got a lot of info about the story that seemed to be inacurate. For instance, I was under the impression that the entire third book would center around Victoria, talking about her troubles and describing her pain, somehow proving reasons to help the reader love her and feel for her. However, I found this was not the case. More so, the book seemed centered around Jacob vs. Edward, and this is a story that I can feel some emotion for, as I would like to have qualities of both. Again, though, the book tended to spend a bit too much time with ooos and aahhhhs for the male physique and less action, until the end. At first, I was disappointed, but I decided that most of that was hype that I expected action throughout. With that in consideration, I put this book as an equal to the second, and better than the first. Good, but not the blockbuster that I would expet from such a blockbuster... You know what I mean. I suppose its on to the fourth book, after all.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Book Review! Pillars of the Earth

Warning: EXPLICIT material in this book.
All I have to say about Pillars of the Earth is WOW. And not necessarily in a good way, but its hard to say that it was in a bad way either. This kind of reading is fascinating to me, like reading the Horatio Hornblower series and learning all about sailing and all that goodness. After being in a few cathedrals and temples and seeing how beautiful the architecture could be, and learning about the way people lived back in those days, it was all just fascinating to me.
That being said, there was a great deal about the book that totally turned me off. Reviews proclaim the book as a tale of lust, treachery, backstabbing, murder, and many other kinds of things that certainly turned out to be true. However, I found that mostly the focus was on lust. (Warning: Graphic Content, not for children and probably not suitable for adults.) Also, as the book rolled on, I found myself being dragged through a muddy swamp of depression, unable to escape. Expect a thousand pages with no reprieve. Overall, I was happy that I read the book, though I could never recommend others to read it, and most people I would talk to about it would never finish it. In other words, I can understand why Oprah loved it, but I would never add it to my own book club list.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

High School- like fifty years ago!

I knew Kira would like it if I filled this out cause I always give her a hard time about them...

1. Did you date someone from your school? Two, to be exact.

2. What kind of car did you drive? 1989 BLUE Geo Metro, then a 1998 White Jeep Cherokee, and then a 1994 Red Pontiac Grand Am.

3. Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try? Yup.

4. Were you a party animal? Not really. I just liked to hang with the posse.

5. Were you considered a flirt? Uh... yeah... Voted biggest flirt of the senior class, but I didn't agree.

6. Were you in a band, orchestra or choir? Choir. We were the best!

7. Were you a nerd? I still am a big nerd.

8. Were you on any varsity teams? I was on the football team junior year, but I was more interested in girls. Also, I was a varsity track and field runner since I was a freshman. I have some state medals to prove it.

9. Did you get suspended or expelled? Those things really happen to people?

10. Can you still sing the fight song? I think our song was kind of lame, so I never learned it. I would rather just cheer. We made up our own cheers a lot.

11. Who were your favorite teachers? Mrs. Goeken, Miss J, Mr. Francis, Sheffler

12. Where did you sit during lunch? Depeneds. Usually, We went somewhere to pick up food and then we would come back and sit in the senior hall next to the Tiger tile. But senior year, I had a lot of meetings during lunch.

13. What's your school's full name? Idaho Falls High School

14. What was your mascot and colors? Tigers. Black, orange and white.

15. Did you go to homecoming? Go? I was in charge of homecoming week, and Whitney was in charge of the dance. I took one of my best friends, though, and we had a blast!

16. If you could go back and do it all again, would you? Oh yeah! High school was the bomb! I would bring my wife, Kira, back with me though, and we might have too much fun! We wouldn't get anything done.

17. What do you remember most about graduation? I remeber that Larkin and I were hangin out like the whole time!

18. Where did you go on your Senior Skip Day? I am pretty sure we had a senior trip to Lagoon.

19. Were you in any clubs? Oh yeah. I was in German club, Key Club, I was Vice President of Rinky Dink club, in Jones club, I was the homecoming co-chair. Ski club.

20. Have you gained some weight since then? Nope, I am actually a little less than I was when I graduated.

21. Who was your prom date? Well, I think I will count just the commencements. Sophomore Year- Alyssa, Junior Year- Rachael, and Senior Year- Whitney

22. Are you planning to go to your 10 year reunion? Depends of if I am in the area. I may be in school in a far away land.

23. Did you have a job while in high school? Yeah, I worked at the Idaho Falls Country Club, baby!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kira is the Hotness!

So, along with her new job and school starting and everything, Kira and I have done a little bit of back to school shopping. This blog is devoted to her because she looks so good in all of her new clothes! I mean seriously, how could everyone not love her when she looks like this all decked out for work! I am so proud of my girl, Kira! She is amazing!

I love Kira's hair, and it is so fun when she does it all fancy schmancy! She looks stunning!

I tried to treat Kira to a fun dinner at a new place... Didn't work out. So, now i am making up for it. I love Kira! I will forever! She is the best! She is my favorite! Kira, I love you!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Congratulations to my beautiful wife, Kiry, because for our thorough Thursday this week, she obtained a job! Not so surprising because she is amazing!
I love my beautiful Wifey! Good luck at the new Job Kira, and again congratulations! You are my favorite!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Book Review - New Moon

So, I must say that my idea of the second book for the Twilight series was tainted going in. Despite that i enjoyed reading the first book, so little happened other than the constant swooning over the perfection of the male vampire body that I thought it would be difficult to read the same thing for much longer. Much to my dismay, the beginning of New Moon threatened to prove me right. Then, just when I could not take another blush or another description of racing hearts, Bella Swan's life changed forever, and the book got better. Things happened. I was so excited. I read, this time actually interested to see some action from the characters, something more than just the occasional fear of something happening. Although the fight scenes were still not up to par as far as what I was hoping for, the action kept my interest, and I found myself once again entertained. And I am actually looking forward to the third book, which my wife claims will provide me with the action that I am hoping for. I trust that it will not disappoint.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

We love you Grandpa Cook!

On Thursday the 21st of August 2008, my grandpa passed away of a major heart attack after a day of driving around visiting friends around cache valley, one of his favorite activities. Kira already wrote a great blog in his honor and she found some great pictures of him. I probably will not o as well, but I really just want to show how much we will miss him.
In my entire life, I have never met a tougher, grittier man than my Grandpa Cook. He was by far the hardest worker I know, and I learned so much listening to his stories of his times in the forest service and all of the great projects that he worked on that helped to shape Cache county into what it is today. From his love of the outdoors and his time in construction and his time in the forest service, possibly no other person knew so much about the canyons and rivers and general areas around Cache Valley. However, the greatest thing I learned from him was the great love that he had for family and friends. No one could leave him without getting a sincere invitation to come back, and he was amazing with kids, even Anna who hates all men. Funny, fun, and loving, and always telling the best stories about his life... That is how I will always remember him. I will miss him very much until I see him again. He will always be loved and remembered in my home.
Holding Anna. I think nobody (girl or guy) won her over as fast as he did.

Obviously, he is telling one of his stories. His amazing experiences give great examples of how we should all try to live our lives.

He gave so much to his family, showing so much love to my Grandma and everyone else in his life.

He had an amazing memorial and funeral and is buried now in the Hyde Park cemetary with his family.

Anna playing games with my dad at the funeral. Maybe my grandpa was there helping my dad along, cause this was the best play time he has ever had with Anna.

Monday, August 25, 2008

So, tonight was FHE and Kira and I had a goal setting for the semester and Cupcake Decorating party and later we are going to watch a movie! This post is just an undate before we continue our grand night together! Anna will join after her nap, too.

We began the night with a stop at a new place we had never been. The bacon on my burger was good and the strawberry shake was ok, but the prices were high and the selection small and the food overall was mediocre. Probably not a place we will go twice.

Us in the car!
The conclusion of our tic-tac-toe with frosting on cupcakes game. Tie!

Our two plates of cupcakes... Kira's on the left and Tim's on the right.

Kira's cupcakes look way better than mine.

My cupcakes. Mostly little messages about Kira.

We got playful after the game. See my pile of frosting on the little one?

We had a blast! It was so cool! Our best FHE so far, I think! we have had so much fun lately, and it will keep on going!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Book Review - Twilight

After months of being hounded by every female in my family, I caved and broke open the cover of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series; the first book, of course. I was on my little vacation to California and found myself alone whilst the rest of my family slept in, all together in the living room. Across from me on Neal and Angie's shelf, I saw the first three books of the series, and I gave in to my boredom, picked up Twilight, and I read... and I read... and I read. I completely understand why women are so drawn to the story that Meyer has put together. She has somehow found a way to make a book enticingly descriptive and picturesque, and perfectly romantic for every female young and old, and at the same time keeping the book devoid of conflict and exciting encounters until the last few pages. Even near the end, right when I thought I was going to get a seriously manly portion of violence and fighting, Meyer somehow evaded the action sequece, and moved on to the conclusion. Though I found such an ending highly anticlimactic, I found myself, all in all, entertained by the first book, and I think I will continue reading the series. As my wife explains it, "The last book was the original story she had in mind, and she needed the first three books to set up the storyline." That sounds exciting!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I am writing now in anticipation of the great week that we are going to have. My family is coming to SLC and we are all going to have a big party this week, prepping for school to start on Monday, so I am taking a few days off of work and partying with Kira, Anna, and the rest of the gang! It will be great!

We are, of course, members of the fun time club, and we are ready to have some fun!

Wicked is such a cool ride. Not quite so intense as X2, but the line is WAY shorter. We will have a WICKED awesome time!

And we are going to a Bees game, finally! We have wanted to go for 2 years! It will be a buzzz!!!!

I will write more later about what we actually end up doing.

And Kira is super hot. like really.........yummy. To know more about it, check out her facebook wall.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

So the last time I made a blog, I was somewhat short with everyone, but I have been informed by my seriously awesome, sexy wife that she really is upset that I am not sharing my emotions online and she is. So, in this blog you may expect the bland, sharable emotions and random thoughts that come to my mind as I power my way through life with the two most amazing girls on the planet (pictures provided below) and whomever else decides to join us on our adventure.

These are the girls I was talking about, and this is a very good view of all of the fun we have together. This has been quite the summer, as you will see from the California pictures that I will post, and the summer has ended WAY too soon. In a short week, I will be back to school on my way to graduation. Ya'll have started reading this just in time to hear about my senior year, and it will be a dooosey!

So, to start off my blog, here is a look at the biggest trip this family has taken, from the guys point of view.

So, I knew before we went on our trip that Kira was dying to read the new Stephanie Meyer book, and we had to get a couple of other things for our trip, so I made plans with Kira to go to the store on the way out of town and pick things up. However, I did not mention the book, and I secretly made plans to get up before everyone else and sneak to the store and buy the book and everything else and leave it in the car for Kira to find when she got there. So, I went to Wal-mart in the morning and got all the stuff and searched high and low for the book, only to not find anything! I even know who the assistant manager at the local Wal-mart is now. So, I left dejected, thinking my plan would fail, but I thought as a last-ditch effort I would check Smiths on my way home. I strolled into Smiths, and right at the from, I found The Host. Not what I wanted, but it would do for now. I walked around the table and there it was... Breaking Dawn.... She was going to love me. Went home, left the books on the car seat, and went inside with the stuff.

"Where did you go?" asked Kira, usually angry when I go to the store without telling her because usually there is something that she wanted that she didn't tell me about.

"Walmart," I replied, "I thought it would be faster if I went while everyone got ready. I had nothing else to do."

"Oh, " she said. I could tell she felt like she had missed something she wanted badly. "I was going to see if they had the book so I could read it on the way to LA."

"Oh, I looked. Walmart didn't have it," which wasn't a lie. "Nowhere else is open right now. I'm sorry, Kir."

"Its ok."

All I could think about was how excited she would be when she saw them, and she was, as you can see from the pictures. My plan worked out perfectly.

We stayed in Primm at Whiskey Pete's on the way there.

I won some money on the slots, so then I went to roulette to play a little and I lost five, so overall I lost 2.75.

This never happened.

So, in California we did a lot of fun things, but I have to say that my favorite part (And I knew it would be) was the beach. I love the beach! I love playing in the water. Water could be the coolest toy in the world! So, here are pictures of us playing in the waves. I only wish we could be there every other day. That might be enough to satisfy me.

Our little family standing at this little overlook by Laguna Beach.

Battles with the waves. We would swim just before them, then they would let us ride the top of the wave into the beach.

My hot wife, Kira and I one the beach. The time with her was amazing! By far my favorite thing about the vacation. This one and one other are tied for my favorite California pictures.
Anna was not a fan of the sand, but she loved the beach and she has always loved being outside!
Badly burned and exhausted from a day at the beach, this picture shows how much fun we had. This is my other favorite picture.

All us Adults standing in front of the most intense ride I have ever been on, the X2 at Six flags. The line was two hours, and we were all dying in the sun from our beach sun burns, but it was cool.

Lets just say that the mist machines might have been our favorite ride at six flags.

Oh, and I saw a Bentley in the parking lot. CRAZY!

So, on the day that we went to LA, I navigated and it just happened that we took Santa Monica Boulevard, not knowing that we would pass the temple. It was cool.

Of course I had to choose the Donald to get my picture taken with.

On the way home, we stopped in Saint George to find food, and we drove past the temple there we took this picture on the move.

So, thats our little vacation. I suppose I will be doing more blogs, but probably not as many as Kir. Hope ya'll enjoy.