Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Book Review - Eclipse

So, after the second book of the series was slightly better than the first, my wife assured m that the third was better than them all... so does that mean that I won't continue to the fourth? We will see... But to the matter at hand. Was my wife's description accurate? I must say that I got a lot of info about the story that seemed to be inacurate. For instance, I was under the impression that the entire third book would center around Victoria, talking about her troubles and describing her pain, somehow proving reasons to help the reader love her and feel for her. However, I found this was not the case. More so, the book seemed centered around Jacob vs. Edward, and this is a story that I can feel some emotion for, as I would like to have qualities of both. Again, though, the book tended to spend a bit too much time with ooos and aahhhhs for the male physique and less action, until the end. At first, I was disappointed, but I decided that most of that was hype that I expected action throughout. With that in consideration, I put this book as an equal to the second, and better than the first. Good, but not the blockbuster that I would expet from such a blockbuster... You know what I mean. I suppose its on to the fourth book, after all.

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