Friday, December 19, 2008


First off, I have to start by letting everyone know that Kira's blog is down, but not out! We WILL recover it, somehow! If anyone has tips, let us know, but we think we have it down. It accidentally got deleted, and now we are working to recover all the hard work that she put into it, so she doesn't have to start over. That would be so sad, but I am sure her blogs only get better and better, so we will be sure that she isn't done!

That being said, I have to let everyone know that so far, Kira is throwing me the coolest birthday ever! Its like an all day party, with just us for now. But we have more to do and people coming over later, so it only gets better from here! I am way excited! I love Kira and I will post more details after the birthday is over.


Coon Family said...

Happy Birthday Yesterday!

Danny and Kaelynn Baird said...

Happy Birthday...two days ago. :) I'm glad it was a good one.